
Şimdi gösteriyor: Montserrat - Posta pulları (1876 - 2019) - 22 pullar.

[Fruit & Vegetables with Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II - Stamps  of 1965 Surcharged, tip CH] [Fruit & Vegetables with Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II - Stamps  of 1965 Surcharged, tip CH1] [Fruit & Vegetables with Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II - Stamps  of 1965 Surcharged, tip CI] [Fruit & Vegetables with Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II - Stamps  of 1965 Surcharged, tip CI1] [Fruit & Vegetables with Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II - Stamps  of 1965 Surcharged, tip CJ] [Fruit & Vegetables with Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II - Stamps  of 1965 Surcharged, tip CJ1] [Fruit & Vegetables with Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II - Stamps  of 1965 Surcharged, tip CK] [Fruit & Vegetables with Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II - Stamps  of 1965 Surcharged, tip CL] [Fruit & Vegetables with Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II - Stamps  of 1965 Surcharged, tip CM]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
192 CH 15/12C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
192a* CH1 15/12C 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
193 CI 25/24C 0,55 - 0,55 - USD  Info
193a* CI1 25/24C 2,18 - 2,18 - USD  Info
194 CJ 50/48C 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
194a* CJ1 50/48C 5,46 - 5,46 - USD  Info
195 CK 1/1.20$ 1,64 - 1,64 - USD  Info
196 CL 2.50/2.40$ 4,37 - 4,37 - USD  Info
197 CM 5/4.80$ 8,73 - 8,73 - USD  Info
192‑197 16,65 - 16,65 - USD 
[Olympic Games - Mexico City, Mexico, tip CN] [Olympic Games - Mexico City, Mexico, tip CO] [Olympic Games - Mexico City, Mexico, tip CP] [Olympic Games - Mexico City, Mexico, tip CQ]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
198 CN 15C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
199 CO 25C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
200 CP 50C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
201 CQ 1$ 0,55 - 0,55 - USD  Info
198‑201 1,36 - 1,36 - USD 
1968 International Human Rights Year

2. Aralık WM: 5 Perforasyon: 14½ x 14¾

[International Human Rights Year, tip CR] [International Human Rights Year, tip CS] [International Human Rights Year, tip CT] [International Human Rights Year, tip CU] [International Human Rights Year, tip CV]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
202 CR 5C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
203 CS 15C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
204 CT 15C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
205 CU 50C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
206 CV 1$ 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
202‑206 1,35 - 1,35 - USD 
1968 Christmas

16. Aralık WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 14¾ x 14¼

[Christmas, tip CW] [Christmas, tip CX] [Christmas, tip CT1] [Christmas, tip CU1]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
207 CW 5C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
208 CX 15C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
209 CT1 25C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
210 CU1 50C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
207‑210 1,08 - 1,08 - USD 







Para birimi
